ascending this lone path
sportygalz + yz;
jiang in yellow, charm in green, sam in colourful white, yz in white, nette in brown, im in pink.
(from left) yz, sam, charm, nette, me, mlene
love you funny people :)
(from top left) charm + i, silly hwing being retarded (haha! MISS YOU!), sam's funny photo! and charm happily showing off (pls dont kill me) and ree being reetarded hahas.
esp for stephiphi i <3 you so :)
(fret not about your ridiculous hair which i strongly opposed to!?!?! announcement : it has grown!)
(click on photos to enlarge)
completely in photo mood..
shall have more when more recent ones are readyy.
sudden oscillating emotional transformation from all that cheery pic up there, i know.
but i feel so empty.
its always nice to be subtly assured that you still matter, but when youre completely denied that assurance..
something has changed,
and whats worse is that i dont know what.
was it my fault..
completely lagging in schoolwork + wayy to slothy.
this is called demand without the ability and willingness to pay in economic terms
am off to brood to myself.
the best friend is away.
sobs :(
(quite literally)